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Disgaea.5.Complete.Update.v20190204-CODEX torrent

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Disgaea.5.Complete.Update.v20190204-CODEX | torrent letöltés súgó
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Eredeti release!

Update v20190204:
-Fixed sound cracking issue.
-We've updated skill text.
-The clock in the Netherworld Records now reads minutes and seconds.
-Changed how the opening video is played for each CPU. (AMD/Intel)
-Added a function to skip the opening movie in the config.ini file
(To skip the opening movie, you can go into the Config ini file and edit the line to "SkipMovie=1".)

In addition to these, the following has been updated:

-You can change how the movie will play according to the type of CPU you have in the config.ini file:

To do this, you can go into the Config ini file and edit the line "MovieType=#"

The Config ini file is found in the below directory:
C:Users[username]AppDataRoamingNippon Ichi Software, IncDisgaea 5 Complete[#]config.ini

For Intel: Directshow will be used to play the movie: edit the line to "MovieType=1"
For AMD: Mediafoundation will be used to play the movie: edit the line to "MovieType=2"

If there is not a setting in the ini file, it will automatically change the settings to the correct one. The setting will also be reflected when the settings are restored to original settings.
NFO fájl: [Megtekinés] [+] [-]
520.51 MB (545,792,469 Byte)
6 feltöltő, 1 letöltő (7 összesen)
Torrent beküldésnek ideje:
2019. 02. 05. 16:04:44
Torrent információk utolsó frissítése:
2019. 02. 05. 17:39:32
Fájlok (10 db): [Megtekinés] [+] [-]
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