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Various Artists - Mennyei nyugalom - Gyógyító zene (2010)[FLAC]-AFR torrent

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Various Artists - Mennyei nyugalom - Gyógyító zene (2010)[FLAC]-AFR | torrent letöltés súgó
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[i] Címkék:Meditative

Eredeti release!

Various Artists - Mennyei nyugalom - Gyógyító zene (2010)[FLAC]-AFR

01 - Yanni - In The Morning Light (03:20)
02 - Enya/Ryan/Ryan - May It Be (03:09)
03 - Anselmi - Birds Talk In The Morning Sky (03:20)
04 - Oldfield - Tubular Bells (04:33)
05 - Dragone/Tadros/Amesse/Dupere - Alegria (Cirque du Solei) (03:27)
06 - Donaggio - Dressed To Kill (05:18)
07 - Van Leer - Lara (05:11)
08 - Van Veen/Leerkes - Edith (04:27)
09 - Van Leer - Focus I (04:19)
10 - Chopin - Anna (04:39)
11 - Sun - Tranquility One (05:01)
12 - Ennio Morricone - Pour Barbara (02:59)
13 - Slingeneyer - Soft Focus (03:54)
14 - Van Otterloo - Introspection (05:39)
15 - Hinze - Roman Frescoes (04:02)
16 - Wagener - Waterworld (04:34)
17 - Jomin - Sleep Well, My Son (03:20)
18 - Enya/Ryan - Only Time (03:30)

01 - Gomes - O Pastor (03:51)
02 - Corciolli - Gloriosa (04:05)
03 - Chapman - Celestial Guardian (04:19)
04 - Rhodes - Angel of Healing (03:51)
05 - Walden - Libelle (01:05)
06 - Wallux - The Garden's Delights (04:04)
07 - Jenkins - Adiemus (03:43)
08 - Corciolli - Spiritus (04:45)
09 - Damian - In Search of the Lost Paradise (04:20)
10 - Oldfield - De Profundis (04:09)
11 - Asha - Concert of Angels (06:54)
12 - Corciolli - Graduale (04:19)
13 - Winston - Thanksgiving (04:16)
14 - Lovland - Nocturne (03:07)
15 - Barbieux - Sanomi (03:24)
16 - Van Veen - For the Time Being (04:01)
17 - Bush - The Man with the Child in His Eyes (02:51)
18 - Noir Désir - Le vent nous portera (04:53)
19 - Oldfield - Mya vin Rys (04:09)

01 - Hebbelinck - Secrets of the inner world (03:05)
02 - Vangelis - To the unknown man (06:39)
03 - Corciolli - Pranayama (05:01)
04 - Deuter - Blessing (06:24)
05 - Hinze - Expanding the sense (09:30)
06 - Van Leer - Bella (05:07)
07 - Walden - Heimfahrt (01:00)
08 - Deuter - Silver cloud (05:30)
09 - Kamal - Travellers of the sea (08:17)
10 - Mertens - Close cover (03:27)
11 - Theodorakis - Magic night (04:08)
12 - Goya - Lacirignola / On the shores of eternity (05:26)
13 - Vollemuider - The white winds (Seeker's journey) (03:42)
14 - Traditionnel - Barbu lautaru (06:49)
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